Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Week 12

This week in lab we got our Estrella Mountain proposal results back. As far as I'm aware nearly everyone got accepted. Congrats everyone! Now we have to remember the the original purpose of our research, build a poster and tell a room full of people about it as if we actually know what is going on. All without having had enough time to generate any actual results. To be completely honest this all seems a little like a farce. 

For me personally this will be even more ludicrous as my English class also made me put in a proposal and that one was accepted too. I feel like I'm going to be running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to explain things I don't understand to people who know just barely less than I do. Is this what science always feels like? 

Cory and I talked and she made me see that this stuff is good practice for my real life. It can only get easier as I get more practice with these kinds of things. I really appreciated the new view point :) 

Here is a picture of an ornate tree lizard that my cat killed. This is the same speices we use to have in our little lizard cage in lab. You can tell from the blue belly strips that it was a male.

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