Thursday, April 7, 2016

The Mismanaged Week

This week has been long and unproductive, or at least it feels that way. I feel that I don't manage my time as well as I could and end up paying for it at the end of the semester. I always feel like I have plenty of time to do things, put stuff off til the last minuet, and am always rushing to get things done.

So this Tuesday, instead of going to lab, I went to my mom's house and filed my taxes. I owe but no matter. So now I'm rushing at the end of the week to get some lab hours in.

After another inconclusive PCR I've decided to change some of the steps in the PCR protocol and see if that helps. If I don't get clear banding this time I'll have to run another DNA extraction because I'm out of DNA from one of my samples.

Here are my newest gels, see how the banding is not clear except HWUB and FSEUB. The A designation is the first PCR I did run through the thermocycler one more time to see if that increased visible bands. The B is another PCR I ran to see if the mixing of the sample was the problem.

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