Thursday, September 17, 2015

Fall 2015 Week 2

This week in lab has been focused on introspection. Despite long hours contemplating, and many more hours at the bench learning techniques for it, I'm not entirely satisfied with my project. I'm finding it hard to stay motivated studying fungi when my mind so readily wanders to insects instead.

I want to change the topic of my project but I've already invested heavily in my current project. However I'm not entirely sure what a good, viable insect based project would look like. Thus I would be spending a large chunk of my time floundering around looking for a topic and learning completely new techniques before being able to really start a new project. The semester is already getting old...

A compromise would be to have a small side project, such as building an insect terrarium, to keep me occupied while I finish out my project. My endophytes are a great project with so much potential for growth, both personal and within the project. I'm just so uncertain.

I also moved my lab cabinet so I can access my supplies even when there's class. Here's a photo of all my lab supplies:

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